
The name MOSO is inspired by the Chinese bamboo tree, which is called MOSO Bamboo. After the MOSO seed has been planted, it has no visible growth above ground for up to the first five years. But no later than five years, the tree suddenly begins to grow above ground, at a rate of a whole three feet (≈ 1 m) per day. And in just six weeks, it reaches its full height of ninety feet (≈ 27m). The rapid growth of MOSO is only possible thanks to the solid foundation it is built on!

At MOSO we coach and train people based on the same approach as the MOSO Bamboo, a solid foundation and “roots” in a strong and sustainable leadership are the base for all typ of successful growth.

Our Vision

“Contribute to a world of sustainable growth”

Our Mission

“Offer high-quality coaching and training programs to business leaders and organizations who want sustainable growth”

Core values


We believe that fun is crucial in life, and when we have fun, our learning abilities increase, and we become more open to new perspectives in securing long-lasting growth.


We challenge our self, our customers and partners beyond the comfort zone hence we believe that beyond fear lies true success.


We care about our self, our customers and partners, and welcome a diversed mindset in the pursuit to build sustainable growth. 


We embrace curiosity in discovering new perspectives and to challenge our unconscious biases to enable new innovations.


We create solutions that are as simple as possible, but not a bit simpler.
